
News and Excerpt from Mr. Darcy’s Enchantment — 28 Comments

  1. I am very excited to see this. Will there be an audio version? When will it be released? Who will the narrator be?


  2. I have enjoyed reading your stories in the past, and loved this first chapter of your latest offering. I loved the interaction between Elizabeth & Meggy, as well as with Pepper and Darcy. I look forward to reading more.

  3. Well now, this is intriguing. I’ve read only two other series that involve Fay and I was captivated both. I think this opens a whole slue of possibilities for where and what this book contains. I can’t wait to read it come December. My mind is already reeling with possibilities, and the fact that it includes my two favorite characters is a dream come true.

  4. I love all your novels and look forward to when it is available even though fantasy is not my favorite genre. This first chapter has me hooked. I see Elizabeth as a strong intelligent woman as she should be and Darcy as bewitched by her as ever. Did Jane Austen’s line about Darcy being bewitched by Elizabeth act as a catalyst for this novel?

    • Good catch, Meg! That was one of my starting points – what if Darcy really was bewitched by Elizabeth? Of course, then the story took on a life of its own until bewitching anyone became an immoral thing to do, so she doesn’t bewitch him after all. But my muse seizes on the oddest things!

  5. This is actually really good! I had recently considered a magic-imbued P&P variation myself. Very nicely written, and now I cannot wait for the full novel.

  6. ohmygoodness I LOVE this excerpt. Like Meg said, fantasy is not my genre, but this is going to be great! I love your books, Abigail. I hope sometime down the road this might just be available in an audio book, but I’ll love reading it first regardless. This is really something different and new to look forward to, but I’m just as exciting to read the new traditional P&P variation too.

  7. I love fantasy and I love P & P. Though I have read Maria Grace’s dragon books these genres rarely converge. I loved your new story and plan on rereading it soon (just as soon as I’ve finished rereading Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections (which is probably my favorite of your books)). Thank you. Keep writing! Not to rush you, but you said something about TWO new books. What can you share about the other one?

    • Thanks, LuAnn. Yes, I’m hard at work on the next book, still with the catchy working title of “That book set in Scotland,” and I’m hoping for a release in April. 🙂

  8. I enjoy any book that can cast a spell on me and if Fitzwilliam Darcy can do it, all the better. I have read so many of Abigail Reynolds’ stories. I do not want to be Prejudice by naming my favorites, as I know Abigail is Proud of them all. I surely hope that Mr Darcy’s Enchantment will be my enchantment as well. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book.

  9. Pingback:Win an audiobook of Mr. Darcy's Enchantment! | Jane Austen Variations

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