
History and Imagination — 4 Comments

  1. Abigail, I seem to have an uncanny ability to find your latest blog. Just decided to have a look, 12/29, and there it was.
    Re the 1995 P&P, I just bought it in Blu-Ray for my new HD system, and not only are the colors brilliant, but you can clearly see all the fabrics they used, all the antiques. It’s gorgeous!
    I’m also very interested in things of the time and wondered how carefully they researched and reproduced the era.
    Happy New Year!

  2. My dear authoress, maybe this is not the proper place and maybe it is a little late, but not to late for good wishes. Very successful private and professional New 2010 to you and your family.

  3. Hmm.. I have to say that when I imagine Regency England, it’s mostly what I’ve seen in the movies. Definitely something I’ll be thinking about.

    When will Last Man in the World be released?

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