
Are you ready to be Spellbound? — 35 Comments

  1. OK so while I do love to read a story in one go, this is not always possible. I much prefer three books telling a complete story to one with much left on the cutting room floor! Some of my favourite books are Imperative and Memory by Linda Wells and Sanctuary by Cat Andrews which are multi book versions.
    I have read this wonderful book and am totally enthralled by the story so far. I love how Elizabeth threw herself into her marriage and her life at Pemberley, giving it her all, which is so true to her character. I can’t wait to read the rest! This was well worth the five stars I gave it.

  2. I do enjoy it when ODC are together early and face obstacles together. I look forward to reading this novel followed by the rest of the trilogy. So do you anticipate the last book of trilogy out by next December?

  3. Excited to read this latest P&P variation, and to see how magic interacts with and shapes the story. I haven’t read many books with elements of fantasy, but know anything with Darcy and Elizabeth is bound to be great!

  4. I’m so excited for this! Just bought it and will be reading after work! I like when ODC comes to an understanding early on. Fantasy JAFF is just the best.

  5. So excited to finally read this! I read some of the earliest bits ages ago on your site but wanted to be surprised so I had to stop. Patience is a hard-won virtue.

  6. Wow, that sounds great. I’m captivated. I have not read many magical books untill now but I definitely will read this trilogy. I’m looking forward to it.

  7. I love all your books, and I love a good Regency fantasy, so I’m in. This sneak peek only confirmed that. Thanks, Abigail!

  8. Wow! I am looking forward to reading this!
    I am worried though, as Elizabeth was, that he goes so deep and it is so difficult to come back. Nice trick, Elizabeth to help him 🙂

  9. Soooooooo excited to read this!! I’ve absolutely LOVED your books Abigail but To Conquer Mr Darcy was probably my favourite (hard one to call as they’re all so good).
    Congratulatons on Spellbound at Pemberley

  10. I’m really looking forward to this and do love a series where we get so much more detail and can follow ODC for a longer time.

  11. Oh my goodness gracious this is like the best Christmas gift you could ever give us! Thank you for sharing your talents with is.

    Curiosity definitely killed the cat (lynx?) but I’d follow anything of Mr. Darcys ANYWHERE!

  12. I’m so excited this will be a trilogy! I was impressed by the world building in Mr. Darcy’s Enchantment, and I imagine it will be even more detailed in this series. What made you want to come back to telling a story involving magic?

  13. Wow! That excerpt was wonderful-captured my interest from the first paragraphs. I love stories where D&E get together early and fight the forces of evil together–and stories where Elizabeth does not act like a spoiled teenager for most of the book, but instead accepts the challenges put before her and is a true helpmeet for Darcy. Congratulations on publishing another wonderful story.

  14. I don’t usually read fantasy, but I would like to give this a heartfelt try – I love everything else you write.

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