
All the news about what's fit to print — 4 Comments

  1. Abigail, what wonderful news! Your wonderful books being picked up and published. I do love JAFF, and I also enjoy being able to buy these off the shelf. When browsing at B&N, I’ve often thought it would be great to have a section set apart for JAFF. I’m probably not the only one who looks for these, and it would probably result in increased sales.
    Soucebooks does make the book cover designs very tempting to the point I’ve purchased some that look promising — usually to be disappointed — but at any rate, just a suggestion to the publisher. It might result in more of your books be sold.

  2. I am glad to hear that Bounds of Decorum will be published. It will be very nice to have that story in book form. Will Last Man in the World be available in bookstores as well?


  3. Wow you seem to have a very full plate! I can not wait for Morning Light. I believe I have read the beginnings of it, have I not? I keep Pemberley By The Sea in my classroom and when I do get some down time, I pull it out and read my favorite part and that is when Calder gives that speech! I just love it! “I AM JOE WESTING’s SON!”

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