
Jane Austen’s Birthday Giveaway! — 118 Comments

  1. That is a beautiful cake. This is such a generous giveaway. Thanks to all who have participated in the giveaway. I already own all the ebooks so put my name down for the Austen Swag. That is some really cool stuff. Good Luck to everyone in the drawing. Happy Birthday to our dear Jane. She lives on in the printed word that gives honor to her work. I hope she would approve. Blessings.

    • Please, please don’t stop writing JAFF books. I believe that I’ve exhausted the current supply…Lol! I am now rereading everything. Thank you for the awesome giveaway chance, now get back to work!!! 😂

    • What a treat, Abigail! Happy Birthday, dearest Jane! I can’t help but wonder what she would think if she knew how many people she has brought together and inspired the world over. I own the ebooks already, so I will enter for the swag bonanza 😉


  2. I would love the SWAG Giveaway! (I primarily read printed JAFF books – lots of them – so I will find these.) Thank you for the generous gifts and Happy Holidays!

  3. Just wondering if that is a real cake. Did you make it Madam? I tis beautiful. It was nice of you all to celebrate Ms Austen’s birthday.

    Remembering your birth Ms Jane Austen, from all your fans/followers.

    Thank you for such generosity to win such a great collection. Please put me down for the drawing of both prizes. Thank you

  4. The cake is beautiful. Thank you so much for your generosity. So glad Jane, through her writing, has given us a chance to get to know each other. That is the best gift she could have given us.

  5. Jane Austen is one of my favorite author! Pride and Prejudice is my all time favorite book. I can’t wait to see Sanditon on Masterpiece PBS.

    The giveaway is awesome. Thank you for a chance.

  6. Gorgeous cake! Great prizes but please don’t enter me as I’m in the UK so don’t qualify for the swag and I already have the fab ebooks!
    So grateful to Jane for writing P&P and thus inspiring all the wonderful JAFF books. Thank you!

  7. What a generous giveaway and the cakes pictured are gorgeous! I would appreciate the Jane Austen variations library or the swag. Both gifts are lovely and since the majority of my reading is P & P variations, either gift is stupendous! Thank you for doing this and Happy Birthday, Jane Austen!!!

  8. I wonder how Jane Austen would feel if she could hear all the adulation over her works 200 years later? You have put together a wonderful way to celebrate her birthday–and that cake is awesome! If I am so very fortunate to win, I would choose the swag as I already own the e-books being offered. Thank you so much for the opportunity to put my name in the drawing.

  9. Pingback:Jane Austen Birthday Giveaway! | Jane Austen Variations

  10. Happy Birthday Jane! What an amazing impact you have left! i’m so excited about the Matter of Honor audible giveway. I listened to the other on audible and it was fantasmic!

  11. Happy Birthday, dearest Jane! You don’t look a day over 144.

    I’d love to win the amazing swag, as I already own the eVooks! Thank you for this fantastic giveaway, and for sharing your books with us. Please, keep writing! I promise to keep reading.

  12. You are so thoughtful. What a fun way to celebrate Jane Austen’s birthday. I would love both, but the library would be my number one choice.

  13. I love the silhouette of Austen on the cake and the quills. Whether your talent is in writing or decorating, I am in awe of the creative process. Interested in the e-books. The swag is great, but I can give in to “tsundoku” virtually, rather than have more physical stuff.

  14. This looks very fun, and I always love your books, Abigail! I’m interested in the swag, and in the book A Matter of Honor (I already have Mr. Darcy’s Enchantment, which is a delight, though if I won it I could gift it to someone, I suppose!) Thanks!

  15. Two very talented artists born on this day . . . Ms Austen and Mr Beethoven. It is my birthday too. Such splendid prizes. So much so that I would be content winning either one. Thank you for the opportunity, Ms Reynolds.

  16. I’m so happy to find Jane later in my book reading life, and Abigail and the other Austen authors for keeping her memory alive and well with the variations in her classic novels. Nothing better than reading or watching an adaptation of one of the books when the husband is gone 🙂 and it’s chick flick night. Fantastic cake! Love it. Thanks for your generosity in the Austen Bonanza – ebooks, swag or both – Santa Abigail!

  17. Happy Birthday, Jane! I would love to celebrate by winning the amazing swag bonanza. Thank you for putting together such a fun prize pack!

  18. Happy happy anniversary of he day the earth was graced with the presence of one of the most influential women who ever lived! And thanks so much for this giveaway, what an awesome way to celebrate her legacy! I would love to win the swag bonanza. What a great birthday gift that would be for me!

  19. I would dearly love to win the Swag Bonanza! I appreciate the chance to win. I live seeing the love people have for Jane Austen. It feels like a real community of goodness.

  20. What a lovely way to celebrate our favourite author. Your generosity is outstanding. I would love to win the Swag Bonanza!

  21. Happy birthday Jane Austen! How very surprised she would be to know how enduring her works with be. She both embraces femininity and emphasizes our strength as women. I’m so thankful I stumbled across dear Jane’s works when I fell in love with a little film Emma Thompson had her hands in! I would be grateful to be entered for both giveaways. Thank you!

  22. Happ Birthday Jane! I love reading and learning all about this time period abd history of JA. I’d love to win both (Swag because LOVE all things Austen) and love to read variations of regency. Happy Holidays to all!

  23. Entering for the Swag Bonanza. Loving that selection! Not sure where you find these things!!! Oh and when are we getting details on the next book?? I’ve read A Matter of Honour 6 times now and am eager for the next one 😉

  24. I would love the swag giveaway. Love the cake! This upcoming year I’m planning to finally attend the Jasna Louisville event and I’m going crazy planning outfits and sewing 😊

  25. Oh… I hope that there will be a special celebration in 6 years. Visiting Austen’s England is on my bucket list – maybe I’ll plan it for then! I’m interested in the swag since I have the books and ebooks.

  26. I’m awed by the sumptuous giveaway offerings. Jane Austen has the birthday and we get a chance at gifts. 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity. I’d be most interested in the swag and then A Matter of Honor.

  27. I am always grateful that Jane shared her stories with us and read them often. I also love the many JAFF authors who have enriched her world with their imaginations. Happy Birthday,Jane!

  28. I love Jane Austen’s books and want her books to be favorites of society for generations. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book! This swag is awesome! Happy 244th Birthday Jane Austen!

  29. I feel a special connection to Jane as I share her birthday. As I have already read your books I would LOVE the beautiful SWAG. Happy birthday Jane 💐

  30. Happy birthday Jane, a woman dear to so many of us! Thank you for the exciting giveaway, I’d be excited to win the Bonanza, but I will definitely check out the books too. I’m new here and didn’t know about these titles. Happy, merry Christmas.

  31. Would love the swag! I don’t do e-books, but I do love all of your books and already own them all in paperback. Who made that gorgeous cake?! Hope you are well, Abigail, and have another wonderful novel in the works.

  32. Happy Birthday dear Jane! I wonder if your parents knew how remarkable you would be? I would love to win the swag package. Thank you for giving away gifts on Jane’s birthday!

  33. Thanks Abigail for the giveaway! Such a great way to celebrate Jane’s BD. I have the books and most of the items in the swag so don’t include me in the drawing. Love it just the same!

  34. Happy birthday Jane! Love the cake pictured. I would choose the swag package as I already own the ebooks. Thank you for the extremely generous giveaway!

  35. Happy birthday dear Jane Austen. Awesome giveaway. And just in time for the holidays. I would choose the swag or the books. Thank you for the chance to win 💕

  36. Happy birthday Jane and thank you Abagail for this opportunity. I have love that blanket for years and would cherish it, so the swag gifts are what I am interested in. Have a Merry Christmas and happy New year. Here’s hoping I win😁

  37. Thanks for this amazing opportunity to win! The JA swag prize is awesome. My favorites are the peacock book cover items. I have already read your ebooks and they are great! 💕

  38. I would love to win either of these prizes since they both sound great! I have both those books on my TBR List. This is so generous of you and I hope everyone got to do something fun in honor of Jane Austen’s Birthday today.

  39. I share my birth month with Jane Austen. It has always made me feel a certain kinship towards her. Her writing has gotten me through so much. It would definitely make my year to win the Jane Austen Swag Bonanza!

  40. The books and Austen Swag are all wonderful. So interesting to look at unique items. Happy Holidays to everyone!!
    The cake is AMAZING!

  41. Wow, Abigail!! What a wonderful way to celebrate Jane Austen’s birthday: by giving gifts to her readers! 😀

    Thank you!! I am crossing my fingers and wishing hard!!!

    Happy Birthday, Miss Austen!!! We highly esteem you!!

    Susanne 🙂

  42. There are so many goodies in this swag pack!!! I really would love to win the Swag Bonanza, I think my office needs it, right now it is full of prep books to help me study for an entrance exam for grad school…it needs a little Austen to lift the mood and help me study. I hear Austen swag is the best way to help retain and learn things. 🙂

  43. Wow what an amazing SWAG BONANZA. Sadly I am not in the USA #heartbroken but would love a chance to win an ebooks. What a fantastic way to celebtate all things Jane Austen. Here’s to Jane’s 244th birthday and many happy returns.
    I’m a late starter to Austen variations, it happened with a win of an ebook a couple of years ago, and now I am converted. I love to imagine the stories of the various characters we all love and cherish. Thank you for the opportunity.
    Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year too. Diana

  44. Oh, glorious of days! Happy Birthday, dearest Jane Austen! Such lovely book treasure! I would be tickled pink and over the moon with Joy with any of these amazing Jane Austen inspired gifts! Thank you for this fabulous chance. Happy reading and writing… xxx 💞📚☕️

  45. Our JASNA group toasted Miss Austen with some bubbly. Wish she could have celebrated more birthdays. Thank you for the generous giveaways, I’d be very happy to receive either of them. Happy holidays!

  46. MY BIRTHDAY IS ALSO DEC 16. I am a huge fan and have been ever since a little girl. She has always been my birthday buddy 🙂 I would love the main package. – Erin Beatrice Russ

  47. That’s a wonderful Birthday cake, and a wonderful giveaway also! Thank you for your generosity! I think I would like to win the books the most, but both gifts are amazing!

  48. That’s a wonderful Birthday cake, and a wonderful giveaway also! Thank you for your generosity! I think I would like to win the books the most, but both gifts are amazing!

  49. I couldn’t get my post to come through, so changed from my given name to my adopted name, and they both came through. Sorry, but I couldn’t figure out how to delete one. I’m really not trying to cheat! 😳

  50. Isn’t it wonderful that we were given the few great books by Jane Austen! On top of that, we have made such good friends and acquaintances through our love of Jane and her writing. Happy belated birthday, Jane Austen!

    Fabulous giveaway, Abigail! Since I have both book, I would love to be entered in the swag giveaway, if it is not too late.

  51. I was very, very fortunate to celebrate Jane’s birthday at her cottage in Chawton this year, as well as getting to see the great house down the road and Winchester Cathedral the next day. It was such a special time to be there and I’ll not soon forget it.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win, I’d be very pleased with either prize!

  52. Since I’ve never yet managed to let your ebooks get released without buying them immediately, the swag would be lovely! Happy birthday Jane

  53. Thank you so much for the chance. What a beautiful cake to celebrate our favorite author. I’m interested in the swag as I already own the ebooks.

    Thank you for the generous prizes.

  54. I love it all, but would really love the ebooks. I love to listen to my Austen fanfiction when cleaning or taxing my kids around. Thank you so much for the offer. Have a happy holiday.

  55. Happy Birthday Jane Austen! Thank you for writing such amazing stories who have inspired other authors to take up a pen and create new material!

    Thank you Abigail for the generous giveaways. I would love to to enter for both swag & ebooks.

    Have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for writing P&P stories to entertain our P&P obsession!

  56. You have been one of my top three authors for many years. I have enjoyed how diverse your stories are. I have all of your ebooks/audiobooks, but would love to be considered for your swag bundle. Thank you for providing such wonderful enjoyment.

  57. Just checking on the date for the announcement of the winner of your lovely giveaway, Abigail, and discovered that my comment didn’t register for some reason. Hope this one does!

    As I’m in the UK, it’d have to be the ebooks for me. I already have Mr. Darcy’s Enchantment as an ebook and audiobook, which I absolutely loved – one of my favourite reads if this year! So, I’d love a chance at winning A Matter of Honour, please.

    Belated happy 244th birthday to Jane!

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