
A Matter of Honor is coming soon! Here’s Chapter 1 — 20 Comments

  1. I read this chapter over on Austen Variations, and it’s a doozy. I’m looking forward to the cover reveal. Congratulations on finishing it and ready for publication. Such exciting news.

  2. Oh heavens! What a start. As usual I feel so sorry for Darcy, loving Elizabeth so much that he would rather have her hating him than not have her at all!
    I’m not so fond of Mr Bennet though, what on earth has he done to ‘protect ‘ Lizzy?
    I hope Jane finds some way to let Darcy know where to look.
    Is there a lot of angst? If so I need to prepare as I will have to read this book.
    I look forward to the cover reveal 😀

  3. Thanks, Glynis! I’m afraid Mr Bennet doesn’t come off well in this book. There is a fair amount of angst, but also sweetness and some fun original characters to lighten the angst load. I’m particularly excited about the cover reveal because my daughter is on the cover. 🙂

  4. Wonderful news!!! This just made the idea of Summer ending and September approaching so much more tolerable! I can hardly wait.

  5. At last! What an a-hole Mr Bennet is! Jane should be nicer to deal with. Who started the gossip? Does Darcy know of the Gardiners in London? Mrs. Gardiner may not be so hostile if they know anything. There is always hiring a detective or someone to learn by blending in as a servant. I am really looking forward to this. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Abigail, I have been on vacation and not keeping up with my email. This is great. I will go to amazon and see about pretty ordering it. So good to have a new book from you!!!!

  7. Thank you for this treat! Looking forward to reading the book! You are torturing Darcy early (and your readers!)

  8. Anxiously waiting for this book to go to press so I can purchase a hard copy for you to sign at the R&W Get together in Nov.

  9. Cannot even guess where this is going or what’s happened. Really looking forwards to it, but the everything you write is pleasing.

  10. Pingback:A Matter of Honor, Chapter 5 | Jane Austen Variations

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