
A Matter of Honor, Chapter 2 — 14 Comments

  1. What a Birthday present for me to find your post and get a date for release. I have already ordered a copy as a present to myself😀🎂but would love a paperback copy as well since I have all your others. I read the excerpt but now have to go back and find chapter 1. Your daughter was good to pose for the picture. Makes me want to go back to Scotland and see the highlands. The Hebrides are beautiful but not as any castles! Thanks a lot!,

    • Happy Birthday!! There will be a paperback as well. My proof is coming tomorrow, and if all is well, the paperback will be up for sale soon! I hope you enjoy Chapter 1.

  2. What a Birthday present for me to find your post and get a date for release. I have already ordered a copy as a present to myself😀🎂but would love a paperback copy as well since I have all your others. I read the excerpt but now have to go back and find chapter 1. Your daughter was good to pose for the picture. Makes me want to go back to Scotland and see the highlands. The Hebrides are beautiful but not as any castles! Thanks a lot!,

  3. Very exciting! Time has been passing very quickly for me these days, but I am sure it will slow to a crawl now, until I can find the book in the library of my kindle. Will you be posting any more advance chapters?

  4. Pingback:A Matter of Honor, Chapter 5 | Jane Austen Variations

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