
The Price of Pride, Chapter 4 — 24 Comments

    • They’re rescues, so it’s anyone’s guess. They’re both described as medium-hairs, but from the pictures, it looks more like the cream one is a long-hair and the grey one may be a short-hair. We’ll find out!

  1. I’m so glad you chose to adopt rescue animals! They are cuties! We have three cats and a dog ourselves—rescues all!

    I love seeing the book unfold—especially after reading this latest chapter and hearing the later chapter you read at the JAFF Reader/Writer Get Together.

    • Rescue animals are great! Glad you’re enjoying the book. I’m thinking I may need to post a later chapter that has some reconciliation between Lizzy and Darcy, like the one I read at the Get Together, before people expire from angst!

  2. Wickham is a complete and utter •#•#•#•!!!!!
    I wonder what Andrew did to get such a reaction from his father? I can’t bear the thought of poor Darcy meeting Elizabeth as his brother’s betrothed! I’m feeling the angst already! I’m definitely anti angst so do you think I can bear it? Really?????
    Well at least I know there’s a happy ending.
    Meanwhile good luck with your new arrivals, (more help with your writing?) 🙂

    • I couldn’t agree more about Wickham! He doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as he makes a profit by it. I’m sorry to be torturing you with all this angst! If you’re really up for torture, there’s a video from JAFF in June where I did a reading of the scene of Darcy meeting Elizabeth as Drew’s betrothed. You can see it at Thanks for reading, despite the angst!

  3. Oh dear. It seems to me that this is actually Wickham’s revenge on F. Darcy – he must have guessed his atraction to Elizabeth and forces the issue to make her unattainable to him.
    The strong conflict between Drew and Old Mr. Darcy as well as Drew’s choice of words (he was his father by law, rather than in actuality or by blood) seems to suggest to me that there may be a more literal meaning of them not being father and son – and also, Drew doesn’t look like Fitzwilliam. Am I horrible for suspecting sin and scandal?
    The red-haired maid is horrid. To be complicit to harm those who tried to save her!
    The kittens are cute!

    • Agnes, you’re right on target that this is Wickham’s revenge on Darcy. He knows Darcy is attracted to Elizabeth and suspects, based on Elizabeth’s presence in Derbyshire, that an engagement was imminent. What could hurt him more? And you’ll learn more about Drew’s relationship to old Mr. Darcy as the book goes on. Thanks for reading!

  4. grr-ing aside, this chapter adds to the questions and does nothing to relieve the angst!
    My single minded self would remark immediately as to the quantity and quality (or rather their lacking) of Elizabeth’s remorse and thought (you know my thinking about that). It’s too toooo tooooo little….
    And I don’t know why she disclosed that much about her previous encounters with D. *sigh*

    But then it seems there is much/a lot about Andrew, his relationship with both Darcys, his lack of likeness to them, absence of portrait (when indeed even Wickham is still there)… I don’t think the reason (weak!) of his refusing a commission would have angered old Mr Darcy to the point of cutting him completely or indeed would explain Fitzwilliam continuing the estrangement…. Did Lady Anne stray?

    Seems now a long way to 2021…:-)

    • Sorry for all the angst! I did warn you. 🙂 The reason Elizabeth disclosed her history was for fear that Darcy himself might do so otherwise. If she’s stuck marrying Andrew, she doesn’t want him finding out from his brother that she’s been keeping secrets from him. Rough way to start a marriage, that. And she’s still thinking Darcy is probably completely over her and hates her. Little does she know…

      • She never learns, does she?

        Yes, I know… I thought all that myself as well, but … Doesn’t mean I like it or I don’t whine about 😉

  5. As always a great read. I’m glad in the end that ODC come together, but hope Andrew ends happily with Kitty or another Bennet sister. It will be hard to wait for the book to come out.

    Your new kitties are adorable. I’m happy you’ve given them a home.

  6. Abigail,

    First let me say that given the history we have… you writing and me reading ( plus a few facebook interactions ). I would follow you down any path you choose to lay down for me, you have never caused any harm maybe just a few sleepless nights trying to find a happy place to stop for the evening. So I say forge forward full speed ahead down this current path, anticipation is a wonderful thing and you write it so well. Forget the neigh Sayers and what they say. BTW love the kittens.

  7. Your stories always, always have great storylines that are always intriguing, frustrating (in a good/angst way towards either FD/ED or both) , beautifully written and highly anticipated. I’ve read your stories since I believed last 15 years and would like to Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Thank you!

  8. The cats are adorable. Best wishes on your new family members. I am holding off on reading the chapters until the final as I read so many I forget what is happening is I read WIPs with time between chapters. I will definitely read this as you are one of my favorite authors. For some reason I don’t get your blogs so I have wait until GRs informs me of new chapters for various author. Have a good day. Stay safe. Happy Thanksgiving. (I think my computer may be sending the e-mails to junk or some such.) I am shopping for a new computer.

  9. This was goooooood. I don’t trust Andrew very much and I’m nervous of what will become of the encounter of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam!!!

  10. Dear Abigail,
    I’ve been reading all your books on repeat this year, and it’s been such a pleasure.
    I’m awaiting the next one like a kid the day before christmas !
    I wish you a very merry christmas!
    Hope to read you soon,

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