
An overdue update – and an excerpt — 34 Comments

  1. So pleased to hear from you! Hope the wrist is feeling better. Any work from you is always great so I don’t mind what book/story comes out, I know I’ll be happy. Cant wait for the release. Good luck with our muse!

  2. I’m also happy you’re back blogging and writing. Although fantasy is not my favorite genre, this has a lot of promise. I hope to have the pleasure of reading it and the fossil novella soon. I hope you’re healing well and your adorable kitty has learned to stay away from feet on the move.

    • Thank you for giving fantasy a chance, even though it’s not your favorite! I know a lot of people are looking forward to the fossil novella (or actually a ahort novel, since I seem to have exceeded novella word counts), so I do want it to happen soon.

  3. Sorry to hear about your wrist, but I am glad of this outcome. (And glad kitty is ok too). I am very much looking forward to this story now and how magic works in this world. Of course I am ready for Mr. Darcy, paleontologist too.

  4. I love it! As always I must say. I like this Darcy that is more daring with Elizabeth and that recognizes her strength and power.

    I hope you keep healing well and that your wrist isn’t to sensible to cold!

    • Thank you! Yes, Darcy is being daring, because he’s in a completely different place than Elizabeth. If she had any clue what he was really thinking there, she’d be running for the hills! 😉 My wrist is continuing to improve slowly, thanks for asking. I find I don’t heal as well as the last time I broke a wrist at 18!

  5. Totally understandable about the change in WIP! Hope you are healing!
    Love the magical except! Can’t wait to read more! Your books first brought me into the JAFF world. I can’t thank you enough for bringing me into this world. Love all of your work!

  6. Oh my! That means that eventually there will be two new books to enjoy! I’m loving the excerpt from this one, especially the fact that Elizabeth doesn’t repel Darcy 😉🤣. I hope she gets to love it (and him) as much as I do. Please be careful on the stairs from now on especially with loving kittens about!

  7. Great excerpt

    And thank you for so many years of reading pleasure. You were my first JAFF read and remain to this day one of my favourite go-to JAFF authors.

  8. Ya me quedé enganchada de la historia, se da un aire con el encantamiento del Sr Darcy, esperaré con ansia para comprarlo.

  9. I’m so happy about your accident! I can relate to furry friends getting under your feet! I’m looking forward to both books, and wish you a speedy recovery.

  10. Oh my goodness! Sorry! I meant sorry about your accident! That’s what happens when you change your mind mid thought. I was going to say happy you’re healing. I’m so mortified!

  11. This is a splendid excerpt, Abigail and I can’t wait for more. You know I’m game for anything you write, whenever you oblige us, but your forays into the fantasy realm are so very fun that I’m really looking forward to this one. I’m always a fan and congrats on 20 years!

    Oh, and I’m still looking forward to paleo-Darcy but I’m really glad your muse took you to the magical world for the time being.

    Heal up soon!

  12. 20 years of delight!! That is certainly something to celebrate!

    Congratulations and a huge thank you for everything!

    Now, I confess being among those a bit saddened that Paleo-Darcy wouldn’t come soon enough… But I do trust you!
    And of course, this excerpt is soooo promising! Enchantingly so 🙂

  13. 20 years – it feels like yesterday! But thank you for all the fabulous stories you have shared with us. I believe I have read every one, and I look forward to this new one. xxxooo

  14. Oh this is too good! I’m so looking forward to it… I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope we can enjoy this story soon…I’m totally OK with waiting for the palaeontologist so you can finish this magical story… happy recovery and happy writing too!

  15. Loved the snippet — have to wonder why Elizabeth is insisting she has no power. I suspect that, if known, she’d be in trouble somehow. I’m hooked and look forward to reading this story when finished.

  16. I missed this until now. How lovely! How typical Darcy behaviour to be so brusque and focus on a problem without considering the emotional/social impact!

  17. Pingback:A little more magic - Pride & Prejudice style - Jane Austen Variations

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